WiFi Connection and Internet Safety Policy

We offer wireless networking to visitors during operating hours FREE of charge. This service connects your laptop or other wireless-enabled devices to the Internet through the Library’s network. To access the Internet, simply launch your web browser, and tap or click the green “Continue to the Internet” button.
You will be connected to our “Parkland Guest” network.
If you want to access the wireless network you will need:
- A laptop computer (or another wireless-enabled device)
- A wireless network interface card compatible with the Wi-Fi standard (also known as IEEE 802.11b)
- To configure the laptop (or other wireless-enabled devices) to access the wireless network
- A charged battery (electrical outlets are available in some areas of the Library, but not all)
- Compatible headphones if you are planning to use audio files
Limitations and Disclaimers
- Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance and no guarantee can be provided that you will be able to make a wireless connection.
- The Library’s wireless network is not secure. Information sent from or to your laptop can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software, within three hundred feet.
- The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Library’s wireless network.
- The staff cannot control the availability of sites you would like to visit. Sites frequently change addresses or close down, and some sites may limit access to affiliated or authorized users.
- The Parkland Community Library provides computers with filtering software to limit children’s exposure to some websites. Internet traffic on the wireless network is also filtered. The software blocks specific sites that could be offensive to some users. Filtering software may not block all material users might find offensive. Parents may wish to supervise their children’s Internet sessions. Filtering software may also inadvertently block material that is inoffensive. If you believe you are being unjustly blocked from a site, please notify a staff member.
- The Parkland Community Library reserves the right to prohibit an individual from accessing the wireless network if that individual is violating any of the policies or guidelines of the Parkland Community Library. A warning will be issued if such a violation occurs. If after a warning, an individual is again found to be violating the Library’s policies or guidelines, he or she will be banned from accessing the wireless network at our Library.
- Please review our Computer Use policy by clicking here.
Internet Safety Policy
It is the policy of the Parkland Community Library to (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via the Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-534].
Key terms are as defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA- http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/cipa.html
Access to Inappropriate Material
To the extent practical “Internet filters” shall be used to block or filter Internet, or other forms of electronic communications, and access inappropriate information on specific computers.
Specifically, as required by the CIPA, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of materials deemed harmful to minors. Filters are not always 100% effective in blocking sites that may be offensive to any individual. They can also block desired and inoffensive material.
Subject to staff supervision, Internet filters may be disabled or, in the case of minors, disabled with parental permission for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.
Steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the Parkland Community Library online computer network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications. Minors should never disclose personal information such as name, address, or phone number when using the Internet. The use of chat rooms and instant messaging is prohibited.
Inappropriate Network Usage
Some behaviors are not permitted in the Library’s limited public forum. The Library has a set of behavior guidelines that apply to users of the Internet as well as to all other library services. In addition, patrons are not permitted to:
- Use library computers to visit chat sites or to use Instant Messaging
- Use library computers for unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking”, and other unlawful activities
- Behave in a way that intrudes upon the rights of others. Patrons are not permitted to invade the privacy of other library patrons, harass library staff or patrons, damage or disrupt library computer resources, or spam in violation of federal, state, or local laws in ordinances, including, but not limited to, Code of Pennsylvania.
- Disclose personal identification information regarding minors
- Use library computers to violate copyright protection or licensing agreements in violation of applicable federal, state, or local laws or ordinances, including, but not limited to Title 17 of the United States Code.
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not protect some content. No library patron is permitted to use a library computer to view obscenity, child pornography, or to display illegal content, or if a minor to view materials harmful to juveniles in violation of federal, state, or local laws or ordinances including, but not limited to, Code of Pennsylvania.
Response to Prohibited Behaviors and Content
Library patrons who encounter content or behavior that violates library policy should report it to library staff. Content that a patron considers illegal should be reported. An individual whose behavior violates library policy will be warned about the specific behavior that is prohibited. If the violations continue after the warning, he or she will be banned from the facility for a specific period of time. If a patron encounters content or behavior that may be illegal, either the patron or the staff should report it to law enforcement. The Library will not judge the legality of content. It will help a patron refer a concern about illegal content to the appropriate authorities. Although the library makes every attempt to respect the privacy of its patrons, privacy cannot be guaranteed while using the Internet in the Library’s public forum.
Wireless Internet (WiFi)
- The Parkland Community Library offers free wireless internet in the library for any patron who has a portable device with WiFi capabilities such as a laptop, PDA’s, or iPad.
- Library wireless users must comply with the same computer and internet use policy designated for the Library’s public computers.
- The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment, or for laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library’s wireless network. Use of our available Wireless Internet is at the patron’s own risk.
- Service is available as is. There is no guarantee of availability or quality.
- All library policies apply to wireless access users.

Did you know, that you can borrow a laptop or a hotspot?
The Library of Things
is a unique collection of loanable, non-traditional items for patrons to borrow. Our library has a unique collection of gadgets, electronics, and more.
Job Seekers Can Borrow A Laptop
Job seekers can borrow a laptop free with their library card and access online career tools. Visit the Borrow a Laptop page to learn more.