Library Of Things

Welcome To The Collection!

Parkland Community Library is excited to offer our newest collection, the Library of Things. We honor our mission to Connect, Discover, and Grow with our patrons! The Library of Things is a unique collection of non-traditional items, gadgets, and electronics for patrons to borrow. If you’re curious about a specific item, looking to try it before you buy, or have a one-time project, search our Library of Things!

In the future, we are looking forward to expanding this collection.

Who Can Borrow A Thing

Due to the unique nature of these materials, only adult PCL and LCLC cardholders may borrow an item from the Library of Things collection. You can learn more about our library cards by visiting the Using Your Card webpage.

Borrowing Rules
  • Certain materials are limited to one item checked out per household, such as laptops, hotspots, etc. Please view the library’s catalog for the current list of rules and fees that may apply.
  • Most items may be borrowed for one week and renewable up to two times as long as no one has requested them.
  • All items from the Library of Things collection must be picked up and returned to Parkland Community Library’s circulation desk during regular business hours. Items are only available for pickup at Parkland Community Library. 

Place a hold on a Library of Things item just like any other item in our collection by using our online catalog or calling the Reference Desk at (610) 398-1361 x106. Search the catalog for “Library of Things,” use the links further down on this page, or call us to get started! 

Returning A Thing

Please, repack all the items in their original lending container or box. Return your borrowed Things to PCL’s circulation desk during regular business hours.  Items should NOT be placed in a book drop. 

Late Or Damaged Items

Lost Library of Things items are assessed at the replacement rate determined by the library. This replacement rate is listed in our online catalog.

Fines and fees vary. All fines and fees can be viewed in our catalog.

Laptops To Borrow

Job seekers can borrow a laptop free with their library card and access online career tools. Visit the Borrow a Laptop page to learn more.

Sensory Kits

Adult sensory kits are now available to circulate. Please visit the Reference desk to pick up a kit for checkout.

Children’s Sensory Kits: do not circulate.

Children’s sensory kits are available for in-house use only. Stop by the Youth Services desk for children in the Barclay Family Children’s Wing for availability.

Adult Sensory Kits: items may vary.

Games & Puzzles Now Available!

As promised, we are working on expanding our Library of Things Collection. We are selecting challenging games and puzzles that will surely be a hit with the whole family.

Sign up for our eNews to stay up-to-date on announcements. Scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up.

Seed Library

With your library card, you can get up to three free seed packets per checkout. We have a wide variety of seeds available from herbs, flowers, and vegetables.

Free seed packs for our patrons!

Things Available For In-House Use ONLY 

Charging Stations:

Battery back-ups are accessible on the work tables in the library’s Carol & Perry Zirkel wing. 

Assistive Technology:

PCL has several items to aid our patrons, such as a large print keyboard, AudioRange wireless headphones, and more. Ask a tech assistant or reference librarian for assistance.

Learn more about these items on our Accessibility webpage.

How To Search For Our Items

To search our Library of Things collection, go to the catalog, type “Library of Things,” and select Parkland Community Library.

This project is made possible by the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Department of Education.