
Free Computer Use
The library has self-serve public computers with Internet access and Microsoft Office. All computers print to the library’s self-serve network printer for a charge of $.10 for black & white and $.50 for color per page. Wireless internet access is available.
Computer Access & Policy
PCL offers self-serve computers with internet access and Microsoft Office. All computers print to the library’s network printer for a small fee. Wireless internet access is available.
Effective: December 5, 2019
The Parkland Community Library provides the community with a Tech Center that includes computers, internet access, Wi-Fi access, and an all-in-one printer/copier/scanner unit provided by the Friends of Parkland Community Library. There is no charge to use the library’s “first-come-first-served” public-access computers, nor is there a charge to use the Wi-Fi. Black and white prints and copies are $.10/page, and color prints and copies are $.50/page. We only allow scanning to a USB device.
You must have either a library card or a “guest pass” to use the library’s public computers. If you are a resident within the Parkland School District or within the service area of a neighboring LCLC library, or if you are a patron at a library that participates in the Access PA program, it is encouraged that you obtain an LCLC library card/barcode through the Parkland Community Library. A “guest pass” is available to users without an LCLC library card/barcode.
Users logging onto a computer with an LCLC library card/barcode start with a one (1) hour session and are allowed additional 45-minute sessions as long as no one is waiting to access a computer; time extensions are granted when a user’s session has 15 minutes or less remaining. Users logging onto a computer with a “guest pass” are allowed (1), one (1) hour session. Guest pass users are not allowed any time extensions at any time, but they are permitted to request an additional guest pass once their session ends as long as no visitors are waiting to access a computer.
Computer users are reminded that not all sources on the internet provide information that is accurate, complete, current, or legal. The Parkland Community Library is unable to monitor or control the information obtained through the internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The library does not endorse the content of any material obtained from the internet.
The library recognizes users’ rights to privacy and confidentiality. However, electronic communications and files could become public. The library is not responsible for loss or damage to a user resulting from a breach of privacy or confidentiality. Users who release personal information do so at their own risk.
Computer users should not attempt to violate computer security systems nor attempt to access the hard drive, files, networks, or other computer systems of the library. Users shall not knowingly destroy, degrade, or disrupt electronic information, software, or equipment.
Users should not attempt to alter the computer settings set by library staff. To prevent viruses, users and staff are not permitted to install, download, or store software and/or files on Tech Center computers. Users who wish to download information may print outs on the library’s printer.
Library computers may be used for lawful purposes only. Illegal acts involving library computers may be subject to criminal prosecution.
Staff is available to assist patrons with basic technology-related questions about our equipment. They are not permitted to assist with proofreading, content creation, tax preparation, job applications, and/or resume building. Staff is also not permitted to physically download, delete, alter, and/or update software/files to or from a device.
Speaking on your cell phone is not permitted in the Tech Center. Please take your call outside or into the library’s lobby and silence your devices while in the Tech Center.
Library privileges may be suspended for misuse of or damage to equipment, for behavior that is disruptive to the operation of the library and its patrons, and for any inappropriate behavior deemed to be a violation of library policy. Local authorities could be called at the sole discretion of the staff.

Need more flexibility in your job search? Borrow a laptop!
A library card with Parkland Community Library can aid you in getting back into the workforce. Job seekers can borrow a laptop free with their library card and access online career tools. In addition, we offer several databases to help you write your resume, search for a job, and learn new skills!
Receive live job coaching, real-time interview practice, a full-service resume lab, 24/7 access to local job resources, and more!
Adopted: October 28, 2021