What are eBooks?

Consider this your crash course in eBooks.

What is an eBook?

Simply put, an eBook is an electronic book.

eBooks are unable to be edited and are adaptable to numerous devices including smartphones, tablets, computers, and Readers.

An ebook can consist of electronic text or also include audio, video, or hyperlinks.

Who are eBooks for?

The answer might surprise you…

eBooks are for readers of all ages!

Why should you try eBooks?

We’re so glad you asked!

Ease of Use

eBooks can be read anytime, anywhere. You can carry an entire library in your pocket!

Since your books are saved on a smart device or eReader, they are lightweight and easy to carry. You don’t have to carry stacks of books anymore, so skip your workout today. You deserve it.

Most devices automatically bookmark where you left off. You can even start your eBook on one device and move to another without losing your page.


Just like Google, eBooks are searchable. Enter keywords, a character name, or a phrase and the eBook will return a list of pages for you to browse. In addition, most devices come with a built-in dictionary and thesaurus.

Readers can take notes, highlight passages, bookmark pages, and more without marking up a physical copy of the book. Some authors even include hyperlinks giving you access to additional information!

eBooks come with accessibility features for every type of reader. Check out the settings to adjust the font size, screen brightness, and backlighting.

Readers who are visually impaired or readers with learning difficulties can benefit from the customizable settings and interactive features.


Save space! Carry thousands of books on your digital device at once.

Save money! Borrowing books from the library gives you access to over 761,000 eBooks for free with your library card.

Save the environment! Less paper means more trees. Everybody loves more trees.

Where do I find eBooks?

Guess what? You have options!


Libby is available for all Parkland Community Library patrons with an active library card.

No monthly borrowing limits. Patrons can check out up to 8 books at once. Place up to 8 holds on your account at one time.

NOTE: Libby will be replacing the OverDrive app on May 1, 2023. Click here to learn more.


Hoopla is only available for Parkland School District and Northwestern residents with an active Parkland Community Library Card.

Limit 5 instant borrows per month. No wait times.

Limit 5 Flex borrows at one time. Find new and popular books you can borrow or place a hold. Flex borrows are separate from your instant borrows.


EBSCO eBooks are available to all Parkland Community Library patrons with an active library card.

Select from over 16,000 books from the world’s leading publishers across all major subject areas.

Perform full-text searches of a single eBook, search thousands of volumes simultaneously, browse topic categories, or read eBooks directly online.

No borrowing limits or restrictions.

How do I check out an eBook?

Access your free eBooks in 5 steps or less.


Step 1: Search the title of the book

Step 2: Tap the eBook cover art

Step 3: Tap Borrow (the book is available) or Place a Hold (the book has a waitlist)

Step 4: Tap Go to Shelf

Step 5: Select if you would like to read the eBook on your current device or send a copy to your Kindle for download


Step 1: Search the title of the book

Step 2. Tap the eBook cover art

Step 3: Tap Borrow (instant and Flex titles) or tap Hold (Flex titles only)

Step 4: Tap Read


Step 1: Search the title of the book

Step 2: Click on the eBook title

Step 3: Click Full Download or PDF Full Text for a PDF version of the book

With over 761,000 eBooks to choose from, Parkland Community Library has a book for every reader. Check out the links below to access our digital collection for free with your library card!

Ready to download an eBook?

Grab your library and try one of Parkland Community Library’s free sources for eBooks!

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